Facebook Is A Mixed Bag For A Small Business - byzooo - News Forever


Thursday 17 May 2018

Facebook Is A Mixed Bag For A Small Business

Facebook Is A Mixed Bag For A Small Business: Many small business owners are watching recent revelations about Facebook with mixed emotions. Like most Americans, they were surprised to discover how much information the social media collects on its users.

Facebook Is A Mixed Bag For A Small Business

Even more worrisome was learning that 87 million Americans has the data exploiting by Cambridge Analytical.

A firm with ties to the Donald Trump’s campaign, to manipulating the outcome of the year 2016 Presidential election.

But there is another side to Facebook when it comes to a small business.

Facebook is a transformative advertising platform for the small businesses, not easy to replace.
Let say you own a small seafood restaurant, and Tuesday nights are dollar oyster nights.

Traditional advertising methods cost a lot, must planning long in advance, and it is hit-or-miss to whether you are getting in front of oyster eaters.

With the facebook on Tuesday morning with a few clicks, you can target Facebook users in your zip code.

Who is loves the oysters and eating out and in the 21?

So, they can buy drinks, which is you have dollar oyster nights. And you can do this for as little as $20.

Work with small businesses for over 25 years; I have never seen a more effective method of the micro-targeting prospects.

As an African-American bookstore, our niche is multi-cultural children’s literature, says Jeffrey Blair, co-owner of Eyeseeme African American Children’s Bookstore in University City, MO.

To find individuals that will interest in our books, we use Facebook ads to target specific demographics and attributes.

We try to visualize the customer that will find value in the products we offer and mirror that in our ads, which we have seen to very successful in helping us grow our business and reach broader fans.
In addition to choosing an advertisement’s audience with a few clicks.

The Facebook is the other tools for a small business to connect with prospects. Two, in particular, are useful.

The custom audiences in which a business can upload the List.

The email newsletter lists and Facebook will serve the company’s advertisement to that user.
It is enabling a small company to stay in front of the customers.

Look-alike audiences in which a business can uploading the list and ask Facebook to find users who have the same attributes as those on the company’s inventory.

This enables a small business to target highly likely prospects.

Now just because Facebook is a useful tool for small business advertising do not justify their collecting vast amounts of data or for allowing users’ data to invading.

When we are learning about Cambridge Analytical our primary concern was people’s experience on Facebook, says Dan Levy.

Facebook’s Vice President, Small Business.

Our teams have also spoken to small businesses, and they want to make sure we are addressing the situation, and we are.

We take the feedback to heart because small businesses are teaching us every day about how to make Facebook a better place to grow their companies. We want to be the platform they can count.

One concern small businesses want Facebook to address is protecting their uploading lists.

No one wants their customers’ information misusing or accessed by others, especially competitors.

Facebook spokesperson Joe Bennarroch is elaborating on how the data a small business uploads are using.

He says the process is all private and we don’t do anything with data from non-Facebook users.
We never tell advertisers which customers have showing ads on Facebook, and we are never appending a person’s profile on what businesses upload via a custom audience.

People are only matching they have to Facebook their email or phone number.

Furthermore, people can manage which advertisers are running custom audience campaigns using the information.

Ads preferences give people the option of preventing specific advertisers from running ads on Facebook using the information.

Small business owners rightfully concern about our privacy and the privacy of our customers.
We don’t want Facebook to know everything about us, and we don’t want our customer list to available to others.

Facebook needs to more vigilant. And transparent. In particular, we want to upload customer lists to protecting.

But small businesses don’t want to lose this effective advertising medium either. Most Facebook ads are not invasive or offensive.

And many recipients may benefit from receiving high targeting ad, after all those oyster-lovers likings learning on Tuesday night dollar oyster night.

So, these are the points to describes on the Facebook is a mixed bag for a small business.

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