In another move to counter Jio, the Rs. 558 Airtel recharge has been launched for prepaid subscribers, offering a total of 246GB of data and validity of 82 days. The new pack also includes unlimited voice calls as well as 100 SMS messages per day for the validity. The Airtel recharge is now available for purchase via the official website in the Delhi-NCR circle, though it is likely to be available on the pan-India basis to rival the Rs. 498 Jio recharge that has been offering a total of 182GB of 4G data for 91 days since January.
The Rs. 558 pack by Airtel offers 3GB data per day alongside unlimited local, STD, and national roaming voice calls and 100 local and STD SMS messages on a daily basis. Post the given data limit, subscribers will get data at a speed of 128kbps, however, there isn't any FUP limit on voice calls. The data benefits available through the Rs. 558 pack come to a total of 246GB. This means Airtel is offering per GB data cost at as low as Rs. 2.26.
In contrast, the Rs. 498 pack by Jio is giving 2GB data per day for 91 days. This offers a total of 182GB of 4G data, or simply per GB data at a cost of Rs. 2.73. The data per GB cost under the Jio pack is higher than what Airtel is offering through its latest Rs. 558 pack. Having said that, the Jio pack also includes unlimited voice calls and 100 daily SMS messages.
As we mentioned, Airtel subscribers in the Delhi-NCR circle can recharge their accounts with the Rs. 558 pack by visiting the Airtel site or through the My Airtel app. The pack was first spotted by folks at TelecomTalk.
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