How An MBA Can Help You Shape Your Career - byzooo - News Forever


Thursday 20 December 2018

How An MBA Can Help You Shape Your Career

How An MBA Can Help You Shape Your Career: When planning for a career, a lot of aspects need to be considered. These include what courses are best suited for placing the carer on a high growth trajectory.  Many students opt for MBA as a course after graduation for higher career prospects.

How An MBA Can Help You Shape Your Career


There are several factors which will help shape the career after completion of MBA. Some of them are worth considering.

  • Generic jobs have limited growth:

There are clerical and administrative jobs which are mundane and have limited responsibility. These jobs don’t ask for any major qualification, but they don’t have much growth chances also. The responsibility quotient in them is limited consequently making growth in the organization next to impossible. Having an MBA will make the organization look at the incumbent as a good candidate for handing down managerial roles.  This is because of the theoretical and practical training that MBA gives. Also, there are multiple MBA specializations in which you can do your degree.

Example – the admin manager of a manufacturing company will obviously be considered for the role of a project or operations manager suppose he or she does have an MBA with operations management specialization.

  • Changing corporate dynamics:

The corporate environment of today is drastically different from the environment of yesteryears.  The earlier growth pattern was based on company seniority.  The logic is that more the number of years, the better the prospects of growth. The other option was that senior functional leaders like the head of the production, head of finance would be made the CEO or Director. This is no longer the scenario.

Performance and dynamism is the buzzword. Frontline managers with much less experience are considered for top slots. Most of them have an MBA background. The company management recognizes the fact that MBA’s have the soft and the managerial skills to take up high profile jobs.

  • Personality development shapes the career:

It is not just hard skills that define a career growth. Someone may have excellent subject knowledge, but that alone may not be enough to produce the desired result.  There are other traits which are required. These include strong communication skills, good interpersonal skills, and a dynamic approach while executing a given task. It may be inborn, but more often than not, these traits have to be inculcated. This is where an MBA can shape the career.  The group discussions and presentations which are a part of every MBA course offerings, create a good personality of the student and takes the career path on a different level altogether.

  • Creating a good leader: 

The success factor in career depends on leading from the front.  Growth is directly proportionate to the responsibilities taken up. If there are more responsibilities, then the number of people needs to be managed. The qualities of a good leader are often shaped by opting for the right MBA course from the right institute. It develops the person regarding –

  • Having self-confidence.
  • Creating a team.
  • Imparting confidence to the team.
  • Deriving the best of the result from the team.
  • Ensuring organizational, team and self-growth.

There are MBA colleges which are renowned for managerial development. This includes those institutes which are specialized in Human Resource Management.

  • Entry into brand organizations:

The MBA qualification with every passing day is turning more of a career necessity than a career benefit. Till some time back, having an MBA qualification was an added step to climb up the corporate ladder. This is not the scenario now. Many branded and blue-chip organizations have made it a policy to hire only MBA even at the entry levels. They are tagged as management trainees. In departments like sales& marketing, human resources management, operations, it is these management trainees who move up the ladder. The employees who do not have an MBA are often confined to profiles which have low levels of responsibility and success proliferation.

  • Communication skills:

Although this particular skill can be taken as part of overall personality development (mentioned above), communication by itself needs to be given the highest level of importance for job and career growth.

The MBA course content of almost all colleges is attuned to communication development through- 

  • Presentation & public speaking.
  • Group discussions.
  • Innovative communication games.
  • General reading.

This perhaps can be counted as a very important aspect of MBA which will shape the career of every future employee.

  • Understanding all aspects of the business:

Some technical jobs holders execute their job to perfection but woefully lack business vision. This restricts their career in the organization, and even the latter is affected.

Example – The factory head of a thermal flask manufacturing unit is adept at his job of production as per the international parameters and ISO standards. However, the lack of sales foresight and inability to detect the customer swaying towards competition can make the entire production unit redundant.

This is where someone with an MBA background can prove his worth. This in turn also shapes the person’s career which is due to his or her MBA background.

  • Higher pay packs for MBA’s:

Another big way in which the carer is shaped with an MBA kitty in the belt is through higher pay packages. It is all but an unwritten rule in the corporate sector that MBA’s at the entry, middle and Senior level command higher salaries.  The starter MBA is typically recruited as a management trainee, and the pay package at that level is much higher than sometimes what even 3 to 4 years’ experience employees get paid. The campus interview of high-level MBA’s college offers pay packages which create news headlines. Even the tier 2 MBA colleges get campus placements which are far higher than what a non MBA fresher can demand.

So 2 years down the line, you might thank yourself for taking that MBA admission.

MBA – A career as per the times

The MBA is a career content which is knowledge modulated and as per the need of the times. In today’s digital era, MBA courses are placing a high emphasis on applications, systems & Information management, e-commerce, cloud technologies, Supply Chain management, etc.

It equips the pass out students to be updated and prepared as per the needs of the Industry. This is a unique advantage as compared to other professional courses. This is another important factor which can shape the career of those who plan to go for MBA in the future.

from Chop News

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